Upcoming projects
Croydon Main Street in the Maroondah 2040 plan
Maroondah 2040: Our future together, was endorsed by Council in June 2014, providing a roadmap for our community, Council and other levels of government to partner together and create a future that enhances Maroondah as a great place to live, work, play and visit.
To develop the plan, we worked with our community, partners and service providers, to understand what key factors were influencing Maroondah’s future. We met with many people across the community to find out what they loved about Maroondah and what they would like to see changed. Arising from this extensive consultation emerged Maroondah 2040: Our future together which included a community vision statement:
“In 2040, Maroondah will be a vibrant and diverse city with a healthy and active community living in green leafy neighbourhoods which are connected to thriving and accessible activity centres contributing to a prosperous economy within a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment.”
More information can be found here.

Creating a unique shopping experience
Based on our strategic plan, the Croydon Main Street Traders Association (CMSTA) aims to achieve the following goals:
- Work with key local partners to beautify the precinct through streetscaping
- Create an accessible, social, and safe community
- Activate night trading through various promotions
- Support and install art projects in the precinct.
Croydon Train Station Upgrade
Updated designs have been released for the new Croydon Transport Hub that is being built as part of the removal of the dangerous and congested Coolstore Road level crossing.
The project will build new road connections and a new rail bridge to unify Croydon’s town centre, replacing the level crossing and roundabout at Coolstore Road where 5 roads currently intersect, causing traffic chaos when boom gates are down.
Community consultation has helped shape the design of the new Croydon Station, by incorporating bluestone paving, wooden seating and glazed brick buildings to complement the look and feel of the nearby Main Street shopping precinct.
It will also be built with open spaces to create better sightlines, more CCTV and upgraded lighting to create a safer precinct for commuters.
The new Croydon Station will provide commuters with a modern precinct that includes elevated platforms, 2 new entrances and forecourts, upgraded parking, and safer drop-off zones on both sides of the train tracks.
More Information can be found here.