The Croydon Main Street Traders Association (CMSTA) organises and facilitates various events in the precinct throughout the year to bring Croydon locals together and celebrate the vibrant community.

Father’s Day Classic Car Show
The Father’s Day Classic Car Show started in 2015 and has been one of the most popular events in our annual calendar. A rock ‘n’ roll live band and live superheroes were a great addition to the program in 2019, which attracted more than 1,500 visitors.

Christmas Pet Parade
We are proud to have a dog-friendly Croydon Main Street, which we celebrate each Christmas with a pet parade that attracts more than 200 pets and owners.

School holiday programs
Our school holiday programs are popular, drawing in 100–300 children per event. Some of our recent themes were Butterfly Adventure, Pony Rides, Lego Adventure, Frozen, and the Kids Disco.

Paint the Town Purple
Our precinct has been very supportive of the ‘Paint the Town Purple’ movement by the Cancer Council. During this annual fundraising event, more than 15 businesses in the precinct dress their shops with purple and yellow decorations to promote the cause.